Our training modules are constantly being re-developed and are freely shared among the community and our partner organizations. Watch this space for more additions.
Training Material
Community Co-existence: Ulama Capacity Building Training Programme
Lead author: Ishak Ahamed
Download Module 1 in English / Tamil
This collection of concept notes builds on the outcome of our 12-month capacity building programme for Islamic religious leaders. The publication also contains contributions provided by the Ulama or the Islamic scholar community spanning diverse themes such as perspectives on co-existence, inter-faith dialogue and conflict resolution.
Community Leadership: Ulama Capacity Building Training Programme
Lead author: Ishak Ahamed
Download Module 2 in English / Tamil
The concept notes of Module 2 build on the philosophical foundations of the first module, and delves deeper into meanings and practices around community leadership. It explores diverse leadership theories and styles, and prompts critical reflection on principle-centered leadership and its implications on participatory democracy
Community Development: Ulama Capacity Building Training Programme
Lead author: Ishak Ahamed
Download Module 2 in English / Tamil
The third module engages leaders on diverse sub-topics relating to community life and social inclusion. It covers topical themes such as the role of the mosque in community development, perspectives of sustainable development within Islam and diverse strategies in creating opportunities for social mobilization. In particular, it encourages participants to critically reflect on community participatory approaches that are culturally relevant and politically meaningful.
Press Releases
Community Leadership in Sri Lanka’s Eastern Province
Author: The Asia Foundation
“At the workshop, the madrasa teacher guided the discussion to an appropriate end when he said that the war is over, but mistrust remains – a common sentiment across Sri Lanka. His phone rang as he suggested that future programs should involve joint activities with religious leaders of other faiths. Who happened to be on the other line? A Catholic priest, of course.”
Click here to download the article
Al-Shika Pre-school at International Children’s Day (May 2012)
Kinniya Provincial Council
As a part of the Global Fund for Children’s Pre-school Educational Development Programme, playground equipmentwas donated to the Al-Shika Pre-school in Kinniya during its International Children’s Day celebrations.
Click here to read more on the event (in Tamil)
3rd Annual Naro Udeshi Commemoration Lecture (June 2010)
The Mahatma Ghadhi Centre
The Mahatma Ghandhi Centre Award for 2010 was presented to the President of RECDO, Mr. Jainulabdeen Mohamed Azhar, in credit for his work in promoting inter-ethnic understanding. During the awards presentation, the Seenipura Swarajya project was commended, particularly with respect to the efforts of the local community, comprising mostly of minority ethnicities, in re-building a new village for war-displaced Sinhalese families.
Click here to read more on the event
Inter-school Programmes (February, 2004)
Virakesari News
On the EDS’ early work in building inter-school partnerships through events with respect to ethnic and religious plurality.
Click here for the article in Tamil
Building a Future with Bare Hands (April, 2007)
Dr. M. A. Mohamed Saleem& W.B.A Jayasekara (Sunday Island)
A full-length feature written by the Swarajya Foundation (SF)narrating the story of how the village of Seenipura was revived after its main source of income, a sugar factory was closed down. The article also details how the organization encountered by chance, a number of war-displaced families from Muthur that were largely female headed, which subsequently lead to their long-standing partnership with RECDO.
Click here to read the article in English
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