Legal Empowerment through Awareness Programme
2008 Provided 26 permanent houses for displaced people in Seenipura (with the Swarajya Foundation) Legal Empowerment through Awareness Programme for...
2008 Provided 26 permanent houses for displaced people in Seenipura (with the Swarajya Foundation) Legal Empowerment through Awareness Programme for...
2007 The Pre-school Education and Development Programme (with the Swarajya Foundation & Muslim Aid) Home-gardening and alternative energy awareness training...
2006 Commencement of the emergency response training for staff and volunteers (with Muslim Aid and the Mahatma Ghandi Centre) Commencement...
2005 Child Blindness Programme across the Trincomalee District (with the Swarajya Foundation & Muslim Aid)
2000-2004 Fundraising with local donors for school-projects such as prize-giving ceremonies, education seminars, career guidance programmes and leadership training camps...
RECDO, was founded by a group of ten friends under its first name Education Development Society, Kantale