Education and Development Programme
The Pre-school Education and Development Programme (with the Swarajya Foundation & Muslim Aid)
Home-gardening and alternative energy awareness training in Seenipura (with the Swarajya Foundation)
The School Sanitation Development Programme among 10 schools and 8 preschools (with Muslim Aid)
Commencement of the English Language Development Programme for RECDO volunteers (until 2009)
Completed re-construction of the Peraru sports-ground (together with Muslim Aid)
Commencement of the Skills Training Programme (until 2008), with ILO-IPEC in Kantale and Seruwila
Catch-up School Programmein for IDPs in refugee camps and schooling children (with Muslim Aid)
Setting up of the Free Eye Clinics in Kantale and Seruwila (with Appropriate Technology and Muslim Aid)