+94777073441, +94718161660 recdosl@gmail.com
Mobile Medical Camps

Mobile Medical Camps

During our Child Blindness Programme and subsequent eye camps we noticed that approximately 50% of the schooling children we partnered...

Researchers’ Network

Researchers’ Network

Given its wartime and post-disaster trajectories, the Trincomalee District was home to a vast number of INGOs and international donors...

Women’s Political Leadership Programme

Women’s Political Leadership Programme

For as long as a decade, RECDO has envisioned initiating a community-led women’s political leadership programme. Ceylon/Sri Lanka saw women...

Legal Empowerment through Awareness Programme

Six grassroots committees were formed and workshops with a focus on legal capacity building were conducted. The aspects covered include...

Home Gardening and Alternative Energy Awareness Training

Home Gardening and Alternative Energy Awareness Training

This micro-project was conducted in the village of Seenipura among 50 families who were trained and assisted in particular techniques...

English Language Development Programme

English Language Development Programme

Having targeted school leavers, 200 students passed out from the basic English training programme. Approximately 10% of our students used...